Saturday, 26 November 2011

Occupy Wall St Posters

Occupy Wall Street and the global Occupy Movement have inspired some striking artwork. Graphic artists from around the world (including Shepard Fairey mentioned here earlier today) have contributed their talents to the movement. Many of their posters are available for free or at low cost, either directly from the artist or through organizations like Occuprint and OccupyTogether. You can post them in your town.
New Yorker cover artist and book illustrator Eric Drooker has created several beautiful posters, including the one above. You can download a high-resolution copy suitable for printing at

The noted Los Angeles graphic artist, cartoonist and radio personality Lalo Alcaraz created this parody of the toppling of the Saddam Hussein statue in Baghdad for Occupy Los Angeles. In a message on his website, Alcaraz invites people to distribute the image.

Alexandra Clotfelter is a student of advertising design and illustration at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia. Since donating her design, “The Beginning is Near,” to, it has become one of the most popular posters to emerge from the movement. In response to requests, Clotfelter is offering a high-quality Giclee print for sale, with a portion of the profits going to support Occuprint’s project of distributing free posters worldwide.

In this poster, Zucotti Park is portrayed as the “Tip of the Iceberg.” Indeed, the Occupy movement extends to places like Lawrence, Kansas, where muralist, printmaker and writer Dave Loewenstein is based. Loewenstein’s design is available for free at

Poster artist Rich Black of Berkeley, California created this image for Occupy Oakland. It’s available for free download at
To see a variety of Occupy posters by other artists (and to download them for free) you can visit and
And don’t miss our post earlier today: Shepard Fairey Caves In, Revises Occupy Wall Street Poster.


Film review (Year 13) Mon 5th Dec

Bring your tape and cameras, pick 3 scenes to show the class-have the timecodes of the tape ready. You will get feedback on your filming.


Sunday, 20 November 2011

Timelapse and Chalk

From one of the newest photographical crazes to one of the most primitive technologies. Beauty takes many forms: