Monday, 18 January 2010

A2 Update

You should now have:
  • Poster research for at least one new poster (of similar genre/audience). Two would be preferred.
  • A photoshoot plan
  • All footage (shot to date) in order

If you are filming this week, you will have up until the end of Friday's lesson to get it all uploaded and in order.


Please bring some audio / soundtracks with you that you might want to use
Links for free music
I would advise listening to the sound on teasers similar to your own.

NON Editors: Complete a mockup plan of your poster and a photoshoot.

Please complete work in BL35.

NON-EDITORS-Planning Presentation for Fri 29th.
EDITOR-Finalise all rushes and produce a first draft of your teaser

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

AS-Level Homework

Due Monday 18th:
  • Final draft of front cover to be saved in:
  • U: Pupilshare/Mr Lau Media

Due Weds 20th:
  • Both double page spread presentations.
  • You will be ask to choose one double page spread and present the analysis of it.
  • Time limit (10 mins)

You can then upload the presentations of both DPS's to your blog.

You will receive a mark and grade to date of all your work (i.e. all planning and research that is on your blog and your final draft of front cover).

Mr Lau

Presentation tips

See advice for last year's students:

A summary:

•Few bullet points
•Not too many words on each slide
•Key terminology-gutter, slug, eye flow etc
•Involve audience
•Opening/intro and closing/concluding statements

•Contrasting colours
•Size of text
•Pictures to illustrate not to decorate

Sunday, 10 January 2010

A2 Homework-DUE FRI 15 JAN 5PM

EDITOR: Upload all footage in order on the sequence of Final Cut Pro.

Photoshoot plans for movie poster
Analysis of at least one (preferably 2) film posters which are similar in genre/audience.

Use previous analysis of posters as a guideline.

GROUP OUT OF STUDIO NEXT FRIDAY: MEGAN (Nik and Christina). Please complete work in BL35.

Groups wishing to record sound and needing to book out a sound recorder need to e-mail me.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

AS-Level Mark scheme

Planning and research:

Level 4 16–20 marks

• There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.
• There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
• There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
• Time management is excellent.
• There is excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.

AS-Level Media. DPS.

Use these questions to help you to analyse at least 2 magazine articles:

1) How does the choice of band featured in the article suggest who the target audience will be?

2) What type of language is used in the article? Give examples of words or phrases which are specific to the style of the magazine

3) How is colour used?

4) What style of text (font type/colour/size) is used? Is it similar to any other pages? What does it say about the image of the magazine and the audience?

5) How is the double page spread laid out? How much of the pages are taken up by images and how much by text? How does this reflect the audience? What do they value?

6) What tone is the magazine using when addressing the reader (as a close friend, a member of an 'in' crowd or an informed intelligent fan?) - provide evidence

7) How is the artist/band presented to the audience through the images? You may wish to carry out a textual analysis.

8) How does the style of the article match the style of the front cover?

9) Does the article demand any prior knowledge? Give examples.

Keyword list:

  • By-line
  • Slug
  • White space
  • Pull quote
  • Side bar
  • Page number
  • Caption
  • Body Text
  • Drop Cap
  • Eye-flow
  • Anchor
  • Article Title
  • Leading Text

Monday, 4 January 2010

AS Media Checklist Jan 4th 2010

  1. Make changes as stated on feedback sheet
  2. Check barcode against real examples
  3. Check alignment of all coverlines using VIEW->Grid
  4. Post NEW (second/third) draft


  1. Project plan
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Questionnaire graphs and analysis
  4. 2x Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis Presentations
  5. Moodboard
  6. Photoshoot plan
  7. Front cover mockup (annotated)
  8. Front cover first draft (annotated)

HOMEWORK-Bring in Music Magazine (Weds).